
MT Loadboard – DAT Express

DAT One Express

Looking For A Free Trucking Load Board?

Get the #1 LoadBoard for Truckers and Dispatchers

1. Find the Best Loads First

Find 2.5x more loads than any other load board with one million loads posted daily

2. Control your costs and maximize your revenue

Cover every step of running your business in one place, from managing loads to planning trips to getting paid.

3. Grow your profits with reliable, trusted partners

Increase your negotiating power with the most accurate market rates based on $150 billion in freight transactions, plus company reviews and credit scores.

About DAT Express

DAT Express is built for small brokerages who want to find the capacity to move freight. DAT Express provides access to more than 1.3 million trucks in DAT’s super-database, freight for every type of truck, DAT Carrier Watch, lane rate validation, instant alarm match notifications, and more

Get 10% off your first 12 months * – $145/Per Month

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